众所周知,驾驶员经常会因超过安全速度限制而被罚款,但您是否知道因驾驶速度太慢而被罚款? 2019年1月,西澳警察对珀斯男子处以罚款,原因是他在高速公路上行驶太慢。 这名男子的驾驶低于限速28km/h。(100km/h限速开72km/h)
关于慢速行驶的规则不是基于最低速度限制,而是基于驾驶员与其他驾驶者的关系。 根据《澳大利亚道路法》的第125号法规,驾驶员不得无理地阻碍其他驾驶员或行人的道路。
然后,该规则阐明,如果驾驶员有障碍物和异常路况下,则不会认为驾驶员在不合理地阻碍其他道路使用者。 您“应该”走多慢可能因情况而异。 珀斯和悉尼的警察甚至对100km/h区域中的开90km/h驾驶员处以罚款,因为这些驾驶员处在右边超车道上。
但是,在大雨, 路旁有停泊车辆或有繁忙的行人活动等情况下,可能有必要以比平常慢得多的速度开车。
[youtube https://youtu.be/jwgmOR8C7ak]
过于靠近其他车辆驾驶,或众所周知的尾随驾驶,是澳大利亚最普遍的危险驾驶行为之一。 与许多其他危险的驾驶行为不同,尾随不需要涉及超速来增加事故风险。 因此,追尾是造成非致命性低速事故的主要原因。
125—Unreasonably obstructing drivers or pedestrians
(1) A driver must not unreasonably obstruct the path of another driver or a pedestrian.
Offence provision.
“Driver” includes a person in control of a vehicle—see the definition of “drive” in the dictionary.
(2) For this rule, a driver does not unreasonably obstruct the path of another driver or a pedestrian only because—
(a) the driver is stopped in traffic; or
(b) the driver is driving more slowly than other vehicles (unless the driver is driving abnormally slowly in the circumstances).
Example of a driver driving abnormally slowly—
A driver driving at a speed of 20 kilometres per hour on a length of road to which a speed limit of 80 kilometres per hour applies when there is no reason for the driver to drive at that speed on the length of road.
126—Keeping a safe distance behind vehicles
A driver must drive a sufficient distance behind a vehicle travelling in front of the driver so the driver can, if necessary, stop safely to avoid a collision with the vehicle.
Offence provision.