根据南澳路局的Driving Companion,System of Car Control 是“最有效率”和“最安全”的方法来驾驶车辆。所以,在进行路考VORT和签簿CBTA时,考生必须用System of Car Control 这个方法來处理可能会遇上的路况。
- 考官指令
- 前方的交通灯,环岛,路口。
- 换线或超车。
- 怎样与其它道路使用者分享使用道路。
System of Car Control是一套系统,每一套动作都必须按照规范和顺序做对。
The method of driving which is described in this chapter is the safest and most efficient way to drive a motor vehicle. When you undertake either the VORT or the CBT&A course you will be expected to drive in this manner when approaching and negotiating road and traffic hazards or other dangerous situations.
Examples of Hazards:
- Intersections, roundabouts and traffic lights;
- Lane changing and overtaking; and
- Any other action by another road user that could affect your progress.
The System of Car Control is a system or drill, each feature of which shall be considered, in sequence, by the driver at the approach to any hazard.
Listed below are the actions of the System of Car Control in the correct sequence in which they should be considered.
Reference: System of Car Control 以下连结是原文:
This system is worth 90% of the total score.
In this page, the System Of Car Control has been divided into the following sections for better understanding. 为了方便阅读,以下是这一套系统的拆解。
- 起因 (路况或指令) Course
- 后视镜 Rear Mirror
- 信号灯 Signal
- 刹车与油门的控制 Approach
- 停车或经过的位置 Position
- 观察 Observation
- 判断 Judgement
- 拐弯 Turn
起因(路况或指令) Course:
Choose safe and legal path.
后视镜 Rear Mirror:
Check your mirror frequently to see the position of all other traffic around you. For best practice, check rear mirror within five seconds prior any change of direction and speed.
If rear mirror is missed before the signal/brake, 1.3 to 1.5 marks will be deducted from the total score.
信号灯 Signal:
Always signal if you intend to change your direction on the road.
If the signal is delayed or not sufficient, 1.3 to 1.5marks will be deducted. On the other hand, if the signal is missing or the signal is confusing other road users, immediate fail maybe applied.
The following is the reference in Australian Road Rules about the definition of changing direction. 以下的澳洲交通法在法律上什么才算是改变方向。
Reference: Australian Road Rules 45
刹车与油门的控制 Approach:
Apply Rules of Braking with acceleration sense when approaching to the hazard. Acceleration Sense which is an ability of the driver to vary the speed of the vehicle by means of accurate use of the accelerator (not gears) where braking is not required. This improves smoothness of ride, vehicle control (especially on unsealed surfaces), and fuel efficiency while reducing wear and tear on the vehicle and tyres.
If the turning speed isn’t suitable for the turn, 1.3 to 1.5 marks may be deducted. For example, making a right angle left turn from the continuous road into terminating road at 35km/h or more.
Reference: Rules of Braking
停车或经过的位置 Position:
When turning left from terminating road into the continuous road, the vehicle can be keep slightly left to the kerb. Before reaching the continuous road, pre-steering a quarter of the steering wheel to the left maybe required.
When turning right from terminating road into the continuous road, the vehicle can be closed to the left hand side of the division line as possible. Make sure the steering wheel is striaghten when waiting for incoming traffic.
If there is a STOP SIGN/LINE, meets obligation to the sign/line and repositions (if necessary) safely and legally for move off.
如果是停止牌, 考生完全停止在白线之后,如果视线不清晰,在不影响主路交通和合法情况下,往前至视线清晰的边缘(edge of obstruction)观察来往的交通。
If there is a Stop Sign/Line or a traffic light (red), fails to stop as near as practical to the line, then 1.3 to 1.5 marks will be deducted. If more than 1.0 metre over the line, the road test will be terminated.
If drives from terminating road into continuous road, and fails to reposition the vehicle appropriately when necessary to obtain a better view of the hazard, then 1.3 to 1.5 marks will be deducted.
For a right turn, when waiting for oncoming traffic, the front wheels should point straight ahead if practicable, 1.3 to 1.5 marks will be deducted if fail to do so.
观察与判断 Observations and Judgement:
[youtube https://youtu.be/hXmzmrZzQMw]
Check for traffic/pedestrians with the Rule of Observation in all appropriate directions before entering any hazard.
- 在主路经过路口时,在路口之前要先看右再看左。如果两方或其中一方视缐受阻应该先松开油门在路口再观察。如果视缐清晰及没有危险,应该继续保持车速。如果有车fail to give way应该在安全的情况下刹车。
- 在副路进入主路时,在路口之前要先看右再看左。如果有车则停在路口。如果没有车就只需放慢不用停,在路口重看一次直接走。如果看不清则停在路口,需要的话,再往前到障碍物的边缘。
- 在绿灯时,应该在距离白线还有3秒车距,先看右再看左。一旦发现视线受阻,先把油门松开。如果视线清晰及安全,则保持车速。在红灯刚换了绿灯时,在车动了之后,用最快时间看清楚没有路况。
If the student fails to check in appropriate directions prior to negotiating a hazard and fails to take advantage of a clear view into the hazard prior to arrival. (Lack of forward observation), then 1.3 to 1.5 marks will be deducted.
Reference: Rules of Observation
Judgement 判断
Select a safe gap or reject an unsafe gap when moving off from the kerb, turning or crossing an intersection or junction or changing lanes.
If selects an unsafe gap, or does not act when presented with a safe clear road, then 1.3 to 1.5 marks will be deducted. If the unsafe gap which creates a fail to give way situation, the road test will be terminated.
拐弯 Turn:
Completes the turn meeting all of the legal/safety requirements. Check Rear Mirror again。Depends on the hazard inside the rear mirror, accelerate smoothly and legally into traffic flows.